This is a guest post by Brianna Abello. The beauty of a well-written short story is that it can quickly send your mind wandering to different places in your imagination without needing an extra 10,000 words. To me, the art of Continue Reading
How to Write a 10-Word Story
This is a guest post by Rebecca Henderson. Recently, I came across a contest with a word limit of ten words. That’s right, just ten words! I wanted to share with you some techniques I used to make the most Continue Reading
Bookends: Secret to a Perfect Short Story Ending by Nancy Sakaduski
This is a guest post by Nancy Sakaduski. To me, the ending felt so correct and so appropriate that it seemed to bend over backward to kiss the beginning. –Elizabeth Gilbert, “The Lousy Rider” — Two of the most Continue Reading
Winner of Flash Fiction Contest #13!
We’d like to announce Holly Saiki as the 13th Flash Fiction contest winner! Holly won a $10 gift card to Amazon for her piece. Please enjoy Two Spirits Gaze At The Stars below. Thank you all for your great entries, and we hope you Continue Reading
Call for Guest Posts!
Do you blog? Would you like to contribute to the Short Story and Flash Fiction Society? Well, now’s your chance! Occasionally, we like to ask our audience for their thoughts on short stories. If you’re a blogger or a writer/author Continue Reading
Flash Fiction Contest #13
It’s time for a new flash fiction contest! We love reading your entries, and we look forward to seeing your creativity! Now, here’s what you need to know to get started. First, use this photo somewhere in your story: The Continue Reading
SSFFS Exclusive Three Ebook Bundle
Reunions and Short Story Markets Vol. 1 and Short Story Markets Vol. 2 eBook Bundle Are you a writer who loves short stories? Do you enjoy short stories but happen to know a writer who wants to send his or Continue Reading
3 Day Sale: Walking in the Dark by Mary Papas!
ebook sale: 3 days only! Take advantage of this special offer and get your own copy of Walking in the Dark by Mary Papas from Jan 24th-26th! What happens when reality plays games on you? What happens when you think Continue Reading
eBook Sale: SSFFS Anthologies 99 Cents on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day!
Happy Holidays to all our readers! We have an exciting announcement to make just in time to celebrate 2017: both of our anthologies will be on sale for only 99 cents December 31st and Jan 1st–the perfect New Year’s Eve Continue Reading
Winner of Flash Fiction Contest #12!
We’d like to announce Graham Downs as the 12th Flash Fiction contest winner! Graham won a $10 gift card to Amazon for his piece. Please enjoy He Disappeared Into the Darkness below. Thank you all for your great entries, and Continue Reading